Author: Robert Hass
- Anon. (1)
- IN: Sun Under Wood (1996) Poetry, American
EPIGRAPH: Now goth sonne under wode --
Me reweth, Marie, thi fairerode.
Now goth sonne under tre --
Mereweth,Marie, thi sonne and thee
Cited by
- Bilal Tanweer (1)
- IN: The Scatter Here is Too Great (2014) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: Basho told Resetsu to avoid sensational materials. If the horror of the world were the truth of the world, he said, there would be no one to say it and no one to say it to. I think he recommended describing the slightly frenzied swarming of insects near a waterfall.
FROM: "Winged and Acid Dark", (2007), Poem, US
- Jay McInerney (1)
- IN: Brightness Falls (1992) Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: All the new thinking is about loss.
In this it resembles all the old thinking.
FROM: "Meditation at Lagunitas", (1979), Poem, US